We have chosen to release the following documents to enhance understanding of the thinking and planning that has gone into the Auckland Rail Network Rebuild.
As background to the recent announcement, while there have been a number of rail improvement projects in Auckland over the last few decades - such as double tracking the Western Line, construction of the Onehunga and Manukau Lines, station rebuilds, new signalling, electrifying the network and new trains - the resulting growth in rail services in Auckland was not matched with funding for ongoing maintenance.
This resulted in a reactive approach to maintenance and an increasing number of temporary speed restrictions being put on parts of the network, to ensure services could continue to operate safely.
Due to the age of the Auckland network and service growth, KiwiRail has known formation on the Auckland network needed replacing at some point, for some time. As a general rule, 60-70% of top faults (e.g. with rail or sleepers) are actually due to weaknesses in the formation, often caused by poor drainage.
The City Rail Link (CRL) became the impetus for doing this work and the 2018 Government Policy Statement on Land Transport, which included a ‘Transitional Rail’ activity class, provided a clear pathway for Waka Kotahi to fund the needed renewals in Auckland.
That year KiwiRail and Auckland Transport (AT) commissioned a business case for the renewals work, which was submitted to Waka Kotahi in 2019. Funding was allocated in early 2020.
Work that involves essentially removing and replacing a rail line requires significant planning, design and scheduling. KiwiRail was at the start of this work when tiny cracks were discovered on rail lines in Auckland, caused by rolling contact fatigue between steel train wheels and steel tracks.
Emergency works to replace or repair damaged rail took precedence and was carried out over an eight-month period in 2020/21.
This work had to be done urgently so that trains could continue running safely. Undertaking the formation replacement work in 2020/21 would have required rail lines to be closed for longer. KiwiRail had also not completed sufficient planning to do the work at this time.
Work planning the broader renewals then resumed, and detailed discussions with Auckland Transport about how to schedule the bulk of the Rail Network Rebuild started in the second half of 2021.
It is important to note that potential timings to complete the Rail Network Rebuild have changed as project planning developed.
Ministers were advised once a potential schedule was sufficiently progressed, Auckland’s Mayor was advised of the work in mid-2022.
The approach to carrying out the bulk of the Rail Network Rebuild, including confirming the dates of the first two stages, was finalised in September 2022.
AT’s full Board were made aware of the final approach on 29 September 2022; the Mayor and the Minister were advised of the outcome on, 30 September 2022; and the Rail Network Rebuild schedule was publicly announced 3 October 2022.
Background information was sent to Auckland City councillors, community board members, MPs and other stakeholders on the day of the public announcement.
KiwiRail and Auckland Transport’s aim was to inform the public about the schedule of work as quickly as possible after it was approved, and the Minister and Mayor advised.
The focus was on ensuring enough time before the first stage of work commenced, for commuters to be aware of the upcoming disruption and plan transport alternatives.
It’s worth noting that the project, known as Rail Network Growth Impact Management (RNGIM), is included in KiwiRail’s inaugural multi-year planning document – the Rail Network Investment Programme, which has been publicly available on our website since it was released in 2021.
On 3 October 2022 KiwiRail and AT announced the indicative schedule of the main works.
(Please click on the document title to view and download the material)
Doc No. |
Title: |
Date: | Description: |
1. |
Auckland Rail Network High Level Infrastructure Review Interim Findings and Assurance Report |
1 May 2019 |
Assessment of the need to carry out remedial repairs on the Auckland Network - including an assessment of the current condition of the Network.
2. | Rail Network Growth Impact Management - Catch-up Renewals Single Stage Business Case | October 2019 |
Single Stage Business Case setting out the case for accelerated investment in rail network renewals. |
3. | Rail Network Growth Impact Management – Design Access Model | 28 July 2022 |
Track access options showing the different scenarios considered for completing the needed works. |
4. | Ministerial Briefing – Auckland Metro Rail Work Programme | 21 October 2021 |
Briefing to the Minister providing an overview of the work needed on the Auckland metro rail network over the next five years ahead of the start of City Rail Link operation. |
5. |
Ministerial Briefing – Auckland Metro Rail Work Programme |
21 October 2021 | Indicative Programme of Work |
6. | Ministerial Briefing – Auckland Metro Rail Work Programme – Appendix 2 – Network Access |
21 October 2021 |
Indicative requirements for Network Access – note draft programme, dates not confirmed. |
7. |
Ministerial Briefing– Auckland Metro Rail Work Programme |
21 October 2021 |
Indicative dates for Progress of work – note draft programme, dates not confirmed. |
8. | Project Cost/Scope Adjustment Form | 9 April 2021 |
Revision of cost estimates in the SSBC |
9. | Extracts from Ministerial Briefing – Meeting between KiwiRail and Minister of Transport | 14 April 2022 |
Update to the Minister on the Auckland Metro Infrastructure Programme. Please note information outside the scope of this release has been withheld/removed from the document. |
10. | Extracts from Ministerial Briefing – Meeting between KiwiRail and Minister of Transport | 27 July 2022 |
Update to the Minister on the Auckland Metro Infrastructure Programme. Please note information outside the scope of this release has been withheld/removed from the document. |
11. | Extracts from Ministerial Briefing – Meeting between KiwiRail and Minister of Transport | 16 August 2022 |
Update to the Minister on the Auckland Metro Infrastructure Programme. Please note information outside the scope of this release has been withheld/removed from the document. |
12. | Joint Ministerial Briefing – Auckland Catchup Renewals Work Schedule |
30 September 2022 |
Update to the Minister on the Auckland Metro Infrastructure Programme. |
13. | KiwiRail Board Paper - RCF Update & RNGIM Approval |
9 April 2021 |
KiwiRail Board paper – update on Auckland Metro Network renewals. |