Before you enter the rail corridor there are inductions you must complete.

The minimum requirement is:

You may be required to complete the following inductions depending on the location of your permitted activity:

  • Tunnel Operations - Infrastructure (Working in a KiwiRail tunnel)
  • Electrification Awareness (Working in KiwiRail electrified areas
  • Environmental induction (Civil works or working near waterways or coastal areas)
  • Other site inductions as required by the relevant KiwiRail site

You may be approached on site and must be able to show proof of inductions. We suggest that you keep a copy on your device to show upon request.

Please refer to KiwiRail eLearning catalogue for details of required courses and how to register.

View 2020 course catalogue

For eLearning technical support, please refer to the following guides or email

Guide to access learning portal

Guide to download and navigate app


Please note that personnel cannot automatically transfer their rail competencies to a different organisation. KiwiRail must review and approve any transfer of competencies from one organisation to another.

If you wish to transfer your competencies to another organisation please notify us of your intentions. Please complete the following form and email it to

Competency transfer authorisation form


on site advice cropped